Thursday, February 09, 2006

Intact tomb found in Egypt's Valley of Kings

CAIRO, Egypt - The first tomb to be discovered in the Valley of the Kings since King Tut's in 1922 contains five sarcophagi with mummies, breaking the nearly centurylong belief that there's nothing more to find in the valley where some of Egypt'’s greatest pharaohs were buried.
I love Egyptology. I always have. Ever since I was a kid, back when I actually went to the library, I would always get any book on Ancient Egypt I could find. Problem is, I discovered all this in the 70's...much of the mystery was gone since there hadn't been any discoveries of this magnitude since 1922. Guess there's still a little mystery left after all! Coincidentally, the Tutankhamun exhibition is in the States at the moment. It hasn't been here since the 70's. I guess I missed the RSS feed for that one... :)


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