Monday, August 07, 2006


I ain't playing around this time! I finally figured out that it was the power supply* that was causing all the havoc. I may be able to use the other mobo in light of this intriguing development. Anyway, after having a vast array of Windows crashes ranging from during games, using the mouse (a good one), to letting it sit there doing nothing. I started to think that XP was on the way out for some reason. When the computer started rebooting during post, I started to get lost. Once it started to kick on then shut off immediately, I had a feeling that my choice in PSUs was a little crappy.

I may have installed a bad power supply, as I didn't really see any negative reviews for the Ultra 500w. So I imagine that somewhere, someone is enjoying theirs.

Getting to the end of the post, I ordered the perfectly reviewed OCZ GameXstream 700w PSU from Newegg. It actually came relatively quickly considering my past experiences w/ the Eggers. Although it was getting a little dicey as the UPS man delivered it around 8pm, nearly 3 hours off his normal time. I was starting to curse Newegg again, but it's here and it's installed. I don't have any pictures of it yet since I'm a little superstitious that if I finalize the install and make it so pretty and so nice, it'll crash. So right now, shit's dangling everywhere, case open, sitting on my desk.

I also reformatted one of the HDD that was screwed from a bad external case I had it in, installing that using a SATA to IDE adapter. At the moment I'm running 200gb above the terabyte mark! Everything seems to be hummin' w/ no hiccups to speak of yet. We'll see how that goes.

Maybe if you're nice I'll post an image of it.

*Yes honey, you were the one who thought the PSU was the problem in the first place. I admit it.

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