So I’ve recently built a new computer for myself. Yes, it works! While it’s not the most expensive, fastest, ultra-modded rig out there, it does fly. It’s built around AMD’s Athlon 64 X2 4200+ dual core processor! Not too many programs are fully utilizing DC technology, but you can set the affinity for each running program so they can run more efficiently than w/ a single core. So for graphics you can run Illustrator on CPU1, and Photoshop on CPU2 (0 and 1 technically) and there isn’t any lag in usage. I’m running only a gig of memory right now since I’m poor, but the motherboard (Gigabyte K8U-939) can handle a max of 4GB of Dual Channel sticks. Very fast, very smart. Unfortunately I had recently purchased an AGP video card for my old computer so I wasn’t about to spend even more money on another card just to be PCI-e compliant; therefore I’m running things on an eVGA 6600GT which is still very nice for what I need it to do. I can’t understand what the hardcore gamers are complaining about cuz’ my games are looking just fine w/ decent frame rates. They think that they need the latest greatest that’s out there, which is a fools quest since there’s a new “BENCHMARK SETTING” card every other month. I’m cooling things w/ the Zalman 7000B-LED. All copper for that intimate heat transfer action; so nice! This heatsink is friggin’ huge! No seriously, it’s not small! Definitely more gooder than stock. I’m keeping things on over a terabyte of storage from Maxtor, Seagate, and Western Digital. I like to keep things multi-cultural. This is all housed in Cooler Masters’s Centurion 5 aluminum case that has more room than I know what to do with. Oh, yes there are blue lights, and the cables glow orange which also happens to be the colors of our recent wedding (my wife and I, not me and the computer; although she’ll beg to differ…).
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
-Just having some fun figuring things out (adding images...).
-Anyone who knows me can attest that I'm a freak for coffee. That's the reason for the romantic shot you see here. Blue flame make coffee so nice!
-I want to add some coffee imagery to the template thats been provided, but I got no clue man. That's why I'm taking classes w/ the Art Institute Online! I've enrolled to take a 9 month diploma course on Web Design. Then I'll have no excuses not to be successful. Retail sucks. I'll leave it at that
-As a side note, I'm not taking these classes simply to make my blogs look more gooder. I just got tired of seeing things that I'd like to do on the web, or things that I could do better and not being able to execute them. Once I have some more substance to it, I'll let everyone know the address of my website. Internet so nice.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
I figured since everyone else is doing one, I'd be remiss if I didn't myself. Truthfully I've only read a few Blogs, and I'm not up on all the terminology, etiquette, or whatever is involved w/ the whole phenomenon of Blogging. But, it does seem very self-serving and narcissistic, and that is right up my single child alley! So here is my very first post for my new Blog, Coffee Induced Stupor. I usually have some sort of plan for something like this, but I think that I'll let that evolve over time, instead of stewing about it beforehand, and never getting anything accomplished. Get ready for some HOTposting action!