Thursday, May 18, 2006

Permissum Vestri Complector Rector Vos

Like many of you out there I too have become hopelessly addicted to the weekly drug that is the TV show Lost. Never wanted to, but by the miracle of full season downloads, JJ got me hooked again (Alias only...). But this post isn't about the show, it's about the commercial that comes on towards the end of the show.

I tried the site they post LetYourCompassGuideYou, but I haven't been able to reach it yet; I'm guessing that everyone is trying it at the same time. I have however found a site that is a part of this all, subLYOMonal. You have to mess w/ this Flash puzzle a little bit sending you to another page w/ a glowing TV. Hover your mouse under the words on the screen and you'll find a hyperlink that takes you to the Hanso Foundation website. The site itself is pretty well done, but I really enjoy the intro, so sweet! The bg music is right on as well.

As I've searched the net a little, it seems as though it's not as subversive as I thought. It seems as though LYMON is for Sprite. Sometimes I hate commercialism. Regardless, it's still a pretty dope concept to put into operation in the first place. If you just go to the Hanso site you can still get the feeling that you're w/in the show.

The title of this blog is the title of the Compass website that I still can't get to work. Wait...I just did. It goes to the same site.

T-tags:, ,

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

exactly one month!

I can't believe that it's been one month since I've posted over here at CIS! I've been pushing hard on cycleboredom, but I can't forget about my other endeavors. Bad blogger! Whatever...

So the other morning I awoke to find a glass that I had stupidly left out during the night tipped over and it's negligable amount of tea contained inside saturating my optical mouse! Looks like my cats found a way to kill the electronic version of Jerry too! SWEEEET (Cartman's voice)! I can get a new mouse! I obviously need one; this one is still dripping.

Down to Best Buy (ugh, I know). Don't worry, I had a gift card! The place still sucks. I used to love them, but their computer stuff is so overpriced. I want to tell people where to shop online, but I feel like they need to learn on their own; you don't want to screw w/ natural selection! The $20 gift card brought the Logitech MX1000 Wireless Laser Mouse down to the same price as what NewEgg had it for. I think that I came out ahead by 4 dollars! I hate you Best Buy...(Cartman's voice again)

This mouse rocks! It has a good weight, lot's of programmable buttons, and a charging base; too cool! I've recently installed Entbloess2, a Mac Expose emulator that has further increased my love of OSX. I love you OSX (Cartman, again). I programmed the page button to activate Entbloess w/out having to reach for the keyboard. The other night I was working w/ Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and my ISP site and the speed was incredible. I can't belive that I've been working w/out the mouse for one, and two, the Expose program to move between the programs. It especially helps when you have multiple folders open providing their names as you scroll over them.

Cool stuff.