Monday, April 10, 2006

like you haven't heard yet...

Windows on a Mac. I honestly didn't think that it would happen as fast as it has. With everything that's happened between these two companies I still don't know what to make of it.

I watched "Pirates of Silicon Valley" the other day. Yes the one w/ Anthony Michael Hall as B-Gates, and John Carter from ER as Steve Jobs. Every once in awhile Noah Wyle did look like Steve Jobs, but that was probably due to the strange clothing ensembles that Jobs seems to wear.

I know I'm eventually going to get back into Macdom one of these days, I'm just not sure when. I more interested in running all my normal programs on Panther or most likely Leopard when it comes out. I've heard that many programs just run smoother on Mac OS, but most of the programs I want to run aren't going to be updated too soon. The Adobe Creative Suite2 just came out, and for it to run on the Mactel machines it would have to be rewritten in the Universal code. I should say that a different way; for it to run natively or at the speed it should it would have to be rewritten. It can run by using Apple's Rosetta program, but Adobe CS2 is a complicated program and it doesn't run well non-natively. Too much talky...

So I don't think that Boot Camp will push me into a quick purchase (actually it's still the price). But it sure is fun hearing everyone freak out about it.

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i'm breaking a sweat here!

Is it my imagination or is blogging acutally hard work? I just spent the last 5 hours of the day setting up my Technorati account. I could sit back and just type up my life in a daily diary, but I'm obsessed w/ getting exposure. So I keep mining for info on what blogging is, how to do it successfully (?), and what the latest whatever is. Right now I'm trying to add the tags so I can be included on Technorati's searches. I also have to decide whether I want to pay for the other 2 blogroll accounts. I need to make more connections w/ the world out there, especially on the Cycleboredom site. I got some big plans for the cycling side of my persona.

I'm addicted to the web.

Friday, April 07, 2006

because i'm getting older?

I don't have much tolerance for television in general lately. There are a few shows (24, Alias, Lost, The Unit, Sopranos) that I like to keep up with, but really the only ones that I watch when they're on are 24 and Alias. The others I've been downloading and watching on the computer. Okay, I lie, I did catch up w/ Lost finally and watched it the other night, commercials and all. But in general, the television is rarely on.

I find myself more interested in podcasts like Diggnation below. Maybe it's because they're new. Or maybe it's because it's about things I want to hear about. Or maybe it's because TV sucks ass now. My wife and I used to sit for hours watching the VH1 top 10 or top 100 lists, or "The Fabulous Life of..." and it seemed like we couldn't get enough of it. Now they all disgust me to the point of irritation. I'm tired of watching the train wrecks celebrities call their lives these days. Have you noticed lately the obligatory transformation of the young cute, curvy, TV/music/movie starlet where once they get a little fame they automatically have to lose weight and make other equally unnecessary changes to their look? Hillary Duff looks like a horse now! What the hell is up w/ those teeth? Drink some coffee and stain them down a little so we don't have to avert our eyes when looking at you. Sorry that went off track a little...

It helps a little that I'm watching the computer on a 20" monitor w/ 7.1 surround though. People are consistantly good quality copies of show these days. I'm able to get these shows in HDTV; that's not too bad! I'm looking into eventually having everything available wirelessly throughout the house. I want to get rid of the TV altogether and replace it w/ a WiFi ready digital projector w/ a pulldown screen. Instead of a black box and ungodly ugly particle-board furniture holding it, I could have some of my art on the wall and pull the screen down when we needed. I could mount the projector on the ceiling so everything would be hidden for the most part. I haven't read any glowing reviews of connectivity that would allow for all that to happen w/out going to a lot of trouble as well as having compatibility issues.

Anybody out there hear anything that sounds good?